Network based Packet Transmission Congestion Control Using Enhanced Leaky Bucket Index Algorithm

Authors : Monisha V., Dr. Ranganayaki T.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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In this research paper, congestion control in the network node packet transmission is presented. It is increasing immensely due to the growth of usage of application. It leads to unresponsive and misbehaving congestion flows. There are few primitive scheduling schemes to control the congestion in the network node, which worked only at end-to-end network due which they were unable to prevent the congestion collapse and unfairness created by applications. The existing algorithm for packet transmission is similar to switch based algorithm for packet transmission. Whenever the number of packet increases from one node to another node, it creates congestion control situation. To overcome the existing problems and improvements to make a more flexible solution for building a congestion control scheme in network using Enhanced Leaky Bucket Index Algorithm. The proposed Enhanced Leaky Bucket Index Algorithm receives much number of packets from the node and is able to travel the node due to packets regulations. The proposed algorithm calculates the total packet transmission. The proposed algorithm shows the packet switching and congestion control mechanisms in the network node to detect and restrict unresponsive congestion flows before they enter into the network node, thereby preventing congestion within the network node. Finally, the existing method and the proposed method is compared to regulate the overall packet transmission.

Keywords : FIFO, Queuing, Bandwidth, Throughput, Congestion Detection.


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