Neutron to be Tightly Bound Proton-Electron Pair and Nucleus to be Constituted by Protons and Internal Electrons

Authors : Noriyuki Kodama

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Original nucleus model in the 1920s is internal electron theory that the atomic nucleus is constituted by protons and electrons, and Rutherford already suggested in 1920 that an electron-proton pair could be bound in a tight state. Both of which were forgotten after the introduction of neutron as a fundamental particle by Heisenberug in 1932 because neither experimental nor theoretical study to prove such orbits were available at that time. I would like to inform the nuclear physics society of the latest experimental data to prove existence of the electron deep orbits(n=0) which bind electronproton pair because the related experiments are conducted outside the nuclear physics community. One is “the high compressibility of hydrogen” and another is the soft-x-ray spectrum measurements during Cold Fusion(low-energy nuclear reaction), both of which showed the electron transition from n=1 to n=0. The latest experiments revealed that a proton has fine structure on its surface by quarks. Based on this experiments, it is reasonable to employ the tightly bound proton-electron pair as “neutron”, because this model can reasonably explain the characteristics of beta decay; the conversion of “neutron” to proton can be explained as it is ceused by the emission of electron due to the instability of electron at around the protrusion of proton surface due to the proton fine structure, and also the larger electron energy deviation of beta decay electron can be explained as the braoder energy distribution due to the fine structure of proton, which was also observed in the soft-x-ray spectra during Cold Fusion. Thus, I presume that the introduction of “neutron”as a fundamental particle and change the nucleus model were mistakes and neutral particle found by Chadwick was proton-electron pair in a tight bound state with electron deep orbit and nucleus model that proton and internal electron constitute the nucleus is correct

Keywords : Neutron, Beta Decay, Nucleus Model, Cold Fusion, Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction, Electron Deep Orbit, Coulomb Repulsive Force Shielding, Neutrino.


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