In India almost in every colleges student’s attendance process is recorded by circulating a paper, so that they can note down their names or they can do validate signature in front of their names. In case if thereis shortage of attendance register paper , lecturer have to call out the names of each and every student. This whole attendance process is actually a time consuming process which nearly takes 5 to 10 minutes depending on the strength of the class. Because of this process most of the lecturer’s time is always wasted performing the same. After that lecturer have to manually enter each and every student’s attendance in their attendance register which is again headache for them and also after every 5 to 6 weeks they have to enter the no of lectures attended by students ,so that they can be able to calculate the average percentage of the students who attended theory lectures and practical’s .After that they also have to manually check the each and every student’s percentage so that the defaulter list can be generated as per their attendance record. In this lengthy process there might be chance of making mistakes as it is done by humans which will also affects the student’s academic percentage. so to reduce this whole lengthy process and issues created due to the same, we invented one technology which is “NFC based students attendance system”. In this we will get the attendance records and automatically generate the defaulter list.In this project we introduce a smart attendance system using NFC that will simplify the attendance process, by just tapping the students NFC based identity card on lecturer’s NFC enabled mobile phone that will automatically record that specific student’s attendance in the database so it reduces the time as well as effort of the lecturer.
Keywords : NFC,NFCCard, Attendance, NFC card number, NFC tag.