Cervical polyps are commonly present in
perimenopausal and multi gravid females between the
ages of 30 and 50 years. Incidence is between 4 to 10%.
The cervical polyp is a growth protruding from the
ectocervix or endocervical canal. Arshas is the name
given to mass developing usually in anal region. A
similar mass when developed in the nose, is called
Nasarsha and when developed in vagina/uterus/cervix is
called Yonyarsha. Yoni = genital tract, Arsha = piles like
mass, an abnormal mass formed by skin, muscle and fat
contaminated by doshas as happens in hemorrhoids.
Acharyas of Ayurveda, mainly Sushruta, Harita and
Vagbhata have described Yoni Arsha along with
descriptions of general arshas i.e. piles. Charaka also
mentioned that the piles like mass would develop even in
genital regions. Ayurvedic herbal formulations i.e.
Kanchanara guggulu 2 tablets 2 times a day and Baboola
churna (3gm)+ Daruharidra churna(2 gm)with baboola
twaka kwath were given to patient. Small cervical polyp
of mucoid variety can be managed successfully with
Keywords : Cervical Polyp, Medical Management of Cervical Polyp, Nonsurgical Management of Cervical Polyp.