The use of imaging devices obtain massively
large amount of images every day and the Internet makes
sharing of these images easier and faster. Digital images
are undergoes distortions as it goes through the whole
procedure like acquisition, storage, transmission,
processing and compression. This makes image quality
assessment important in modern systems. According to
the availability of original undistorted image, the IQA
metric can be classified into three categories, the FullReference (FR), Reduced Reference (RR) and blind/noreference (NR) IQA. Traditional blind image quality
assessments predict the quality from a whole distorted
image directly. In this paper, multiple pseudo reference
images (MPRIs) for NR-IQA is introduced initially by
distortion aggravation. For that, the distorted images are
subjected to various types of commonly encountered
distortions and for each type, five different levels of
distortions is added. Later modified local binary
patterns(MLBP) features are extracted to describe the
similarities between the distorted image and the MPRIs.
These similarities metrics are used for estimating the
quality of the image using SVM. More similar to a
particular pseudo reference image indicates closer to the
quality to this PRI. The influence on image content can be
reduced by the availability of the created MPRIs. Also the
image quality can be inferred more accurately and
Keywords : Blind/No-Reference Image Quality Estimation (BIQA/NR-IQA), Full-Reference IQA (FR-IQA), Image Quality Estimation (IQA), Natural Scene Images (NSI), Reduced Reference IQA (RR IQA), Screen Content Images (SCI).