Novel Cold Fusion Reactor with Deuterium Supply from Backside and Metal Surface Potential Control

Authors : Noriyuki Kodama

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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It is proposed that Cold fusion can occur in metal by D+ hopping to T sites with D– on the metal surface. In this mechanism, D+ hopping is assisted by the Coulomb attractive force between D+ and D– , suggesting that control of the positive surface potential of the metal is important. D2 thus formed at surface T site is compressed by T-site atoms due to the size difference between D2 and the original T-site volume. Compression of the D2 covalent bonds creates a small D2 atom with Electron Deep Orbit (EDO) at a radius of a few femtometers, which is small enough to completely shield the Coulomb repulsive force between d-d and thus leads to the fusion. Hydrogen with DEO is verified by the experimental data of “high compressibility of hydrogen” and soft x-ray spectra which roughly matched the theoretical value of EDO, and 500keV broad peak can be the evidence of EDO. Because the current Cold fusion reactors are based on Fleischmann and Pons Effect (FPE), they have serious issues originating from voltage conditions of D absorption under the electrolysis condition which has the negative metal surface potential because the real Cold fusion needs the positive metal surface potential. Thus, it is very difficult to trigger fusion due to the voltage condition mismatch. Therefore, FPE needs a very high temperature by a strong local resistive heating of Pd Rod caused by the insulating film growth on fragments of Pd surface during D charging. The inhomogeneous insulating film growth is caused by very high electric field and by its variation caused by the Pt wire anode cage. Thus, I propose the novel Cold fusion reactor based on the real Cold fusion mechanism, which fixes the most of the issues of reactors based on FPE.

Keywords : LENR, Cold Fusion, EDO, Electron Deep Orbit, Coulomb Repulsive Force Shielding, Fleischmann and Pons Effect, Biological Transmutation


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