Therapeutic communication is a communication performed by nurses to patients with a goal to help the healing process, but the phenomenology of the field are still many nurses who have not applied therapeutic communication properly. This study was to determine the depth of the application of therapeutic communication phase inpatient hospital in Palembang South Sumatera. This research uses the descriptive method of qualita tif with phenomenology approach using in-depth interview technique. The informant selection technique used purposive sampling , the informant consisted of 8 nurses. Method of analysis of this research is Moustakas method. Related experiences nurse apply therapeutic communication there are 7 themes obtained in the inpatient room at South Sumatera Hospital. The ineffectiveness of therapeutic communication between the nurse and the patient in interacting is useful to improve the patient’s recovery. The presence of training for nurses on therapeutic communication and the existence of operational standards of therapeutic communication procedures.
Keywords : Experience Nurse and Therapeutic Communication.