SBAR communication is part of patient safety goals provided for health workers in delivering the patient’s condition. The nurse should have the ability in developing such communications so as to provide nursing services optimally to the patient. When nurses fail in communicated then raises events that are not expected. Qualitative research against nurses is very necessary to uncover in-depth experience of the nurse. This research uses qualitative approach method of Phenomenology. Data obtained with the in-depth interview against 8 participants are women, the age-sex between 26 years up to 37 years, length of work between 2 years up to 15 years. Analysis of the results of the interviews with the Collaizi method. There are 8 themes that emerged, among others, implementation of the SBAR communication response, nurse, nursing, objective communication media are used, the time nurses carry out, the structure of the SBAR communication carry out impact, and the obstacles faced. The findings of this research show that the problems facing nurses obtained from the doctor in charge of a difficult patient contacted so it is important the existence of monitoring and evaluation of work against medical personnel related communication implementation SBAR. Then the need for the granting of further studies for nurses who administer the SBAR communication as well as the existence of the granting of material supply SBAR to institutions before practice clinic.
Keywords : Phenomenology, Experience, SBAR.