Nutritional and Non-Nutritional Risk Factors Implicated in Common Dermatological Disorder

Authors : Mariam Ashour; Khawla Nouri; Souad El-mani; Hana M Bakoush; Nagwa Elmighrabi; Reima Mansour; Ali Ateia Elmabsout

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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Patients often seek dermatological disorder remedied include dietary and non-nutritional agents as they frequently link to many health problems. While some of these concerns are unfounded, due to significant evidence considerations of important of dietary in some dermatological conditions. The aim of the present study was to study the nutrition and non-nutritional risk factors implicated in development of dermatological diseases. Methodology This cross sectional study comprised of 186 patients with skin diseases. Data were collected using a questionnaire and in face to face interviews. The questionnaire include non-nutritional risk facrors and modified FFQ beside data on anthropometrics. Data was presented as either mean ± SD or frequencies and percentages according to the natural of data. Chi-square test was used at α< 0.05. Results and Discussion: Of the total samples 186 patients with skin disorder aged between 18-53 years old found that the peak age at 18-24 years old. The non-nutritional risk factors shown that significant differences between dermatological disease blood group O, psychological factors, education levels, and students as a type of job (P< 0.05) . However, the obtained biochemical lab result revealed that abnormal low levels of Hemoglobin, Vitamin D , Zinc, Iron and magnesium. Furthermore, nutritional risk factors implicated in dermatological disorders that shown statistically differences include, low water intake, lack of exercises, heavier body weight, abdominal obesity, decreased intake of micronutrients supplementation, increased intake of junk foods and dermatological triggers foods and lack of nutritious (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Imbalance food intake, deprivation body sleeping, blood groups which significantly affect health of the skin. Therefore, our data suggested that, awareness for dermatological risk factors might be needed to all patients at younger ages to protect the skin against deterioration factors.

Keywords : Skin; BMI; Nutrition Risk Factors; Biochemical Data; Food Intake


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