Authors : Angélica Eulalia Galarza Alvarez, Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano, Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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Obesity is a pathological condition for the
human being, it is characterized by the accumulation of
fatty tissue in the body, affecting the health of the
population worldwide, weakening its immune system in
this way the organism becomes more vulnerable to the
COVID -19. There are several implications of the
pandemic on people with obesity, producing serious
symptoms that require admission to intensive care areas.
Objective: To carry out a systemic review on obesity as a
risk of serious disease in COVID-19. Methodology: the
study is developed through the bibliographic review
considered as a database the main journals that have
published articles related to the subject, such as: New
England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Nature, The
Lancet, Scielo, Redalyc, Elsevier, PubMed, the same ones
that are consulted through academic search engines.
Using the following keywords: obesity / obesity, COVID19, complications / complications, serious illness Results:
The intended results are related to recognizing obesity as
a risk of serious disease for COVID-19, in such a way
that that the relationship that exists between this
described fact can be identified by identifying the role of
the weight condition against the virus, the existing risks
and the complications that are mostly reported.
Conclusion: people with obesity because they are a
population at high risk of severe disease for covid-19
should promote protective measures to avoid contagion
Keywords : Obesity, COVID-19, Complications, Severe Disease.