Aside figure of speech or objectification of an
object, the act of turning an object to another thing or
god is peculiar to all tribes theworld. This act is called
Apotheosis among the “ἀποθέωσις”, "todeify".
In Latin "making divine"; also called divinisation and
deification is the glorification of a subject to divine level
and most commonly, the treatment of a human-like
a god. This act is not an uncommon activity among the
Yorubadeity images and objects such as carvings,
properties, photograph, and so onl. ori. The study
adopts as a theoretical framework and employs a mix
methodologies to investigate the study’s intention. It
study use of elect performances a ncludesas,a .the
Yoruba make use of motifs in their cultural
consciousness to and deifies man and objects.
Keywords : Cultural, Deification, Images: Objectification, Interrogation, Motifs, Theatre Performance