- The omnichannel supply chain strategy is an
emerging trend in the retail sector that coordinates the
process and digital technologies across sales and supply
channels. The operation of the omnichannel supply chain
strategy has been improved greatly by the outbreak of
the pandemic. The research project explains the
importance of omnichannel strategy during times of
pandemic. The OMS model's adoption as an
omnichannel supply chain strategy eases the distribution
of essential services during the COVID-19 period. As we
discussed the importance of omnichannel strategy, key
omnichannel strategies were identified, discussed in
detail. The retailers and the companies should ensure
that they adhered to the key omnichannel strategies to
improve customer experience and loyalty. The key
strategies discussed in the research include; boosting
customer loyalty using different touchpoints, scaling on
customers' demands to meet their habits and preference,
and maintaining sales by operating front stores. The
capabilities require to be implemented as the
omnichannel supply chain strategies are discussed. A
firm with dynamic capabilities from production through
client delivery can exploit performance despite changes
in demand. The proposed capabilities to make
omnichannel are discussed broadly in their logical
groups. The following are proposed capabilities
discussed in the research project; information system
(IS), inventory management system (IMS), order
management system (OMS), enterprise data
management (EDI), and warehouse management system
(WMS). Also, a cloud-based microservice technology
framework that needs to implement omnichannel supply
chain capabilities is discussed. A technical architecture
framework diagram of microservice is covered. The
research ends with precise conclusions and closing
statements about the future
Keywords : Omnichannel supply chain, capabilities, microservices, enterprise data management, warehouse management system, order management system, pandemic times, and supply channels.