The continuous spread of Corona virus has led
to sustained increase in the mortality rate of many
countries across the globe. WHO has made the use of
masks mandatory in largely crowded areas which have
reported Covid-19 cases. In order to curb the spread of
virus and prevent cases, the detection of violators is highly
desirable. We propose a model which highlights the use of
deep learning approaches to identify people who do not
wear mask. As most of the institutions, companies,
industries, malls, hospitals, etc. have to start operating
with few relaxations before this pandemic is completely
erased, integrating face mask detection system with the
existing surveillance systems at entry and exit points is
highly recommended. The face mask detection model is
built upon the MobileNetV2 architecture and detects face
masks along with the percentage accuracy of wearing the
mask properly in crowded scenes, both in images and real
time streams. As the next step, the fresh concept of
introducing facial identification of defaulters acts as a
measure to keep the authorities informed of the people
who are violating Covid-19 policies. Under the current
Covid-19 lockdown time such system is definitely
important to prevent the spread in many use cases.
Airports, Hospitals, Offices will be some places which will
benefit out of this system
Keywords : Mask Detection, Face Recognition, Database Connectivity, MobileNetV2, Computer Vision, COVID-19