Authors : Gochade Mukta Nivrutti; Sidra Eram Chaudhary; Maryam Kharbe; Yashshwini Nikam
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
Scribd :
Physical classroom is no longer be able to do
take classes in younger generations, Due to covid-19
covid- 19 is a pandemic says WHO. In various problems
faced by the students and teachers in India . online
education is first time in many years ago Started a
traditional education system, and this traditional system
used in India before the covid-19.but it was not possible
nowadays,Various problems faced by students and
teachers like internet connectivity issues, those students
can live in villages they don’t have mobile phones and
internet connectivity so these students are loss to their
studies. Many negative sites of online education like
limited collaborative learning, increase in time and take
several efforts. Several arguments are associated with elearning, Accessibility, affordability, flexibility, learning
pedagogy, life-long learning, and policy are some of the
arguments related to online pedagogy. It is said that
online mode of learning is easily accessible and can even
reach to rural and remote areas.
Keywords : COVID-19, Online Education Accessibility, Affordability, Flexibility, Learning Pedagogy.