Authors : Nandini Kad; Bhakti Kale; Devyami Kamble; Fatima Khwaja
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN1025
Open dumping sites which generates serious
health risks. The main aim of this paper is to shoe the
effects of that open dumping on ground water resource,
soil quality. It was observed that the people living in this
area have poor health like allergy, asthma, skin
irritation and other gastro intestinal diseases. The focus
of this study is to assess the contribution of open
dumping in soil contamination, water contamination
and its effects on human.
Surface soil sample were collected from open
dumping site Naregaon and nearby area. Significant
modifications were observed in the soil properties of
dumping sites. Soil at the disposal site shows high pH
Electrical conductivity. Various heavy metal
concentration i.e. Zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), Iron (Fe),
manganese (mg).
Keywords : Solidwaste, Soil Deteortion, Ground Water.