Undeniably, ore blending is an essential process of open-pit mining, which to a high magnitude determines the efficiency of processing plant production. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this process efficiently, using contemporary ICT infrastructure. We have comprehended that the current software market in Pakistan is generally occupied or outsourced by foreign ICT companies offering expensive and closed-end software or digital solutions, especially in mining and drilling areas. At the same time, new ICT technology and modelling methods allow the software developers for developing models of mining process as a root for open source national mining software development for Pakistan`s setting. This paper suggests an open source information system for designing efficient technological schemes for open pit mining operations, which could be a positive trigger for ICT development in Pakistan`s software and mining industry and more specifically for Pakistan Mineral Development Cooperation (PMDC).
Keywords : open-pit mining, ore blending, ore flow management, simulation modelling, open source software.