OpenCV Real-time Face Recognition Attendance System to Online-School Attendances

Authors : Almer John E. Cañete

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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School attendances are more difficult when it comes to the spelling of a name and the number of students who are attending class. During this pandemic, Day by day is a time-consuming matter for every teacher which a challenge to concern and prevent. Times like this can be problematic if you have manual attendance, Having an OpenCv Real-time Face recognition based on attendance system will not only allow you to take the attendances but also having Security when there’s a situation where the identity and time of an entry of a specific student need to be recognized by the system. Time-saving to keep you at a safe distance from them as you can work remotely and still see who all are attending your class and lastly, It is Easy to manage the records that will be converted into excel file and to monitor the student or guest who attending since it is fully automated and much easier than the manual. This study aimed to develop a Real-time face recognition system for School attendance using OpenCV that will collect the data of the student who are present before or after class hours. The system will require registration for the student and password, automatically record the attendance of a student through face recognition which will be converted into text or excel file. The study of OpenCV Real-time Face recognition also determines the usability of the system and applicability in every institution that has a problem in this time of pandemic by changing the manual method into a system. The system is built so that it can help implement the management of attendances to become more effective and can be a solution to an existing problem. In achieving this type of the desired objective. The researcher used a descriptive developmental method of research. The development of the system was using a prototype model in which there’s a new method or idea of using face recognition for that desires to meet the objectives. While, the criteria were used to test the usability, applicability, and efficiency of the system is McCall's Software Quality model.

Keywords : School Attendance, Face recognition, Information System, OpenCV Python


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