Operational Challenges Hindering Passenger Patronage along the Calabar-Oron Corridor, Nigeria

Authors : Ibok, Akarawak Nduonyikoyo; Otop, Oquah Otop

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2W4Rnes

This study assessed operational challenges hindering passenger patronage along the Calabar-Oron corridor, Nigeria. Data were collected using about 590 copies of questionnaire at 98% success rate of using simple random sampling techniques. The hypothesis was formulated and tested using one way analysis of variance. The result showed that there was a significant difference in operational challenges on passengers patronage of inland waterways transportation along the Calabar-Oron corridor, (N = 590, F = 12.547, p = .001). The findings of this study concluded that operational challenges make passengers have negative perception on travelling via inland waterways transport. The summary of the study was that operational challenges are also the leading cause of the poor development of the inland waterways transport along the Calabar-Oron corridor.

Keywords : Corridor, Patronage and Operational


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