Remote sensing is a method of detecting and
inspecting the characteristics of objects. It uses magnetic
energy within the range of heat, light, and radio waves.
Very different applications that use remote sensing are
agribusiness, disaster dashboards, water management, etc.
The strategy of creating thematic maps based on remote
imagination is called imageclassification. For at least one
phantom computer, the extended number usually represents spectral information. Used to classify images. This
data is used to classify individual pixels on the spectrum.
Used for classification. This article introduces a classifier
specifically controlled by a minimum distance, maximum
likelihood, and parallelepiped. By using PSO technology
(particle swarm enhancement), we can achieve better results. Constant letters and general precision. Sentences:
classification, confusion nets, letter coefficients, total accuracy, parallel classifiers, remote sensing, improved
Keywords : Classification, Confusion Matrix, Kappa Coefficient, Overall Accuracy, Parallelepiped Classifier, Remote Sensing, Optimization Techniques.