Authors : Mochamad Eko Nugroho, Muhammad Zuhdi Prasetyo Nugroho, Marcely Susanti, Sawarni Hasibuan
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December
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On-time supply by ensuring the material
description is correct and the correct quantity becomes
the main KPI. To optimize the performance of the
feeder, we must do a more detailed analysis so that the
operational and efficiency ratio of their performance
increases. In this study, an analysis using the MHDS
(Material Handling Design Simulator) system was used,
namely modeling all aspects of support including
Layout analysis, scale supply analysis, modeling depots,
WIP modeling, MHE (Material Handling Equipment)
modeling and route modeling. from the results of the
improvements made, the increase in Operational ratio
80.06% to 86.23% and the efficiency ratio of 75.82% to
84.63% .
Keywords : Supply Chain Management, Feeder Supply, Operational Ratio, Efficiency Ratio, MHDS.