This type of qualitative Research approach through Phenomenology, as results showed that future generations should be prepared now. Education should continue to be sought to build a generation capable intellectually, morally, and graciously ready to face the challenges of his day. Education must also be able to give birth to a generation of the nation that has a great soul and mind to build his empire. On the other hand, that also needs to be realized, education is not the responsibility of the Government/State solely. Education as the path of the progress of this country should be a joint commitment and awareness, the Effort that is like doing the movements of early childhood education and the alleviation and improved quality of primary education. In addition to the expansion of access to higher education also prepared through the establishment of universities in border areas and provide access to the community in particular that has limited the ability of the economy, but the academic-capable. The current period in an effort to prepare the next generation for decades.
Keywords : Education, Policy, Service, Performance, Setup.