Orthomosaic from Generating 3D Models with Photogrammetry

Authors : Abbas Z Khalaf, Akram Hameed

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2QdTDtM

This paper, especially discuss the getting of three coordinates for points in two images by processing these images to 3D models by Photogrammetric program. Agisoft is openly utilized functions that developed algorithm used in a field called Computer Vision which needed for processing images to 3D models. Computer Vision is a sub-field of computer science that was prepared to help robotic equipments to clarify surrounding bodies. Computer Vision algorithms detect common points among photos of a given objective, possessed from various angles, and process those photos to conclude depths of the structures. There are four basic steps: Align Photos, Build Dense Cloud, Build Mesh, and Build Texture and two secondary steps: Build DEM, Build Orthomosaic. Additionally, there are a number of tasks with related sub-settings of the basic procedures of Agisoft that developed by author to refine the results of these processes. Regrettably, user guide of Agisoft has not been used correctly in the factors and the effect of each sub-setting. In order to quite understand the concepts and functions of sub-settings to refine the output results, the author reached an experiment in which he created Photogrammetric model of the building were processed using various sub-settings. It is not as simple as some program, but it have more better cog of all step of operation, and produce much more accurate results.


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