The quest for organizations to concentrate on
their core responsible while certain ancillary services
remain outsourced or to some extent remains in-house
has been on over the years; Nevertheless, most research
on FM has concentrated on outsourced highlighting their
advantages over in-house. However, this work is sort to
strike a balance between the subject matter in FM
services and as well employed survey in seeking opinion
of people on the subject matter. The findings indicated
that neither outsourcing nor in-house FM services
performed badly as respondents were almost affirmative
the respective ratings and expression of their views on
both ways of FM services. Outsourcing and in-house FM
services can both perform well and will perform
optimally depending on the handlers. Nevertheless,
whether a service is outsourced or in-house sincere
efforts should be made by the organization whose
services is either outsourced or in-house to support them,
this will enable them perform as expected and
professionally. Any service can be in-house as a well as
being outsourced and still perform optimally.
Keywords : Facilities Management, In-House, Outsourcing, Services, Workplace