Parameters to Consider before Implementing a Hotel Management System

Authors : JOHNSON, Oluwatobi.A, SAMUEL, Babafemi.O, OYENUGA, John.O

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Information and Communication Technology plays a vital role in hotel industry and its importance has dramatically increased over the years. Hotel industry belongs to the service industry and consists of different units such as restaurants, lodging, etc. Hotel industries is one of the world’ s largest and most permeant industries, the industry has exposed itself to the forces of change, especially by the ongoing developments in ICTs. Hotel management system is a type of management system that facilitates the management of hotel operations and functions; main operations such as front office, sales, planning, and accounting. This paper identifies parameters that should be considered before designing or purchasing an hotel management system.

Keywords : Hotel Management System, Customer Relationship Management and Information Communication Technology.


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