Parasitoid Wasps- a Powerful Weapon Against the Insect Pests

Authors : Indrakanti Sai Mounika, Antoney P U.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 4 - April

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Phylum Arthropoda includes diverse groups of organisms. Among them one of the most fascinating and the valuable group of insects comes under the suborder Apocrita of order Hymenoptera. This group includes wasps, bees and ants; out of which the wasps play an interesting role in protecting our cultivated and stored crops. The choice of a host to lay their eggs by different types of wasps and thus to provide proper parental care to their young ones are being discussed in this article in brief. There is a group of wasps called Parasitoid wasps. These are the most terrifying and the fascinating creatures which lay their eggs in or on the body of other insects during any of their developmental stages. They have developed brilliant mechanisms to sustain in this planet. Different organisms employ unique methods of recognising a host and exploit it to sustain their race. In this study we mainly focused on the parasitoid wasps of the super family Ichneumonoidae which includes both Ichneumonids and Braconids families and their unique nature of attacking the host and finally killing it to nurture their young ones. This astonishing and horrifying behaviour of parasitoid wasps can also be made beneficial to humans to protect their agricultural crops. These wasps show mutualism with the polydnavirus and the fungi to eliminate their hosts which are mainly noxious insects like cockroaches and insect pests of crops. Thus these wasps are used as biological control agents. They are host specific and attack the target causing less damage to the non-target species. This is one example for nature’s own way to eliminate harmful creatures with no damage to the environment.

Keywords : Parasitoid wasp, Polydnavirus, Ovipositor, Hymenoptera, Ichneumonids, Braconids, Apocrita.


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