The construction of new facilities in urban
areas will increase to the trip generation, as will the plan
to build a Sports Center (GOR) by the Malang Regency
Government located in the Kanjuruhan Stadium Area,
Kepanjen. Travel in urban areas especially in developing
countries is dominated by private vehicles. Problems will
arise when visitors come to the GOR with private vehicles
and the parking facilities that provided by the GOR are
not able to accommodate the vehicles. If the parking
capacity insufficient, there will be a lot of illegal parking
on the side of the road (on street parking) or even on the
pedestrian. Long queues of vehicles that get into GOR can
also cause traffic disturbances on the surrounding roads.
The purpose of this research is to predict the parking
volume and make a parking capacity plan according to
the availability of land. Aside from that, it also calculates
the queue of vehicles, especially when going into the GOR
so that the queue does not interfere with traffic on the
surrounding roads. The analysis used is comparative
analysis, regression and parking index to predict the
number of vehicles that will park, then queue analysis to
predict the queue length of vehicles entering the GOR.
The results of the study can be used as a reference for the
government in planning parking in the Kepanjen GOR
area, Malang
Keywords : Demand Parkir; Queueing Introduction; Sport Center.