The essay aims to demonstrate the
significance of traditional knowledge in various fields be
it agriculture, medicine, ecology, commerce, chemical
industries, etc. The entire research project contends the
effective remedies to tackle issues pertaining to grant
patents to the exact owner of the traditional knowledge.
The loopholes in the current legal system in the
relevance to the patenting of traditional knowledge are
briefly discussed. In the past few decades the role of
traditional knowledge has immensely grown subsequent
to which patenting it with the principle of justice, equity
and good conscience has become a bone of contention.
The essay moves forward with the hypothesis that legal
documentation and sui generis system 1will be effective
steps to grant patents to the rightful owners. The thesis
is proved with historical illustrations like turmeric case.
Finally the primary aim of the research is to suggest
ways in order to grant the local communities the benefit
of their innovation, novelty and creativity.