Authors : Noor Sulistiyono; Febriansyah; Sri Kelana; Muhammad Ilham Ghifari
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL687
Pavement as a pedestrian network is also an
important element in the image of the city, along the
road in the urban area all elements and attributes of the
city are arranged, arranged and interconnected. People
will observe and shape the imagination of the city area
by moving through the streets (Kevin Lynch; 1962.
Jalan Pendidikan is one of the roads in the Jakabaring
District of Palembang City. This road is one of the areas
in Palembang which is the center of education in
Palembang. The length of this road is ± 1 km where
there are many good schools ranging from
kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school /
MAN on this road section, including MAN 1 Palembang
City, Palembang 19 Public High School, Palembang
Junior High School and Sports High School, and 81
City Primary School Palembang. As long as this road
has no pedestrian facilities, at the time of going and
going to school this road is always crowded with
pedestrians who want to go to school but still mixed
with private vehicles so that it can cause congestion and
conditions that are dangerous for pedestrians. From the
results of the analysis obtained the highest volume of
pedestrians that occurs on Monday at 06:00 WIB to
07.00 WIB with a number of 484 people. The highest
pedestrians are from school children who go to school
on foot.The width of the pavement plan is 2.42 meters,
for safety the sidewalk must have a height higher than
the road. For the type of sidewalk that is suitable that is
the sidewalk on Rumija which is quite wide by adding a
type of sidewalk that has a public transport stop
Keywords : (planning; pavement;safety;)