Many research works done on behalf of malt
barley fertilizer rate and time of application. But, there is
no enough information on the association of its grain yield
and quality parameters of malt barley. Therefore, a field
experiment was conducted during main cropping season
of 2018/2019 at West Arsi zone of Ethiopia with the
objective of Pearson correlation analysis of grain yield
and malt quality parameters under varied varieties and
nitrogen application time at Arsi Zone of Ethiopia.
Factorial combination of two malt barley (Ibon 174 and
Traveller) varieties and three times of nitrogen
application 100% recommended rate of N fertilizer ha-1
planting (150 kg ha-1
), 1/3 at planting and 2/3 at tillering,
and 2/3 at planting and 1/3 at tillering) laid out in
randomized complete block design with three replications.
The result reveals that grain yield was positively
correlated with hectoliter weight, thouthend kernel
weight, sieve test, protein content and germination energy,
while extract content and germination capacity was
negatively associated
Keywords : Grain Quality, Grain Yield, N Application Time, Varieties.