Perceptions about Social Behavior of Early Marriage

Authors : Widiyawaty, Bona Ventura Ngarawula, I Made Weni

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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Early marriage behavior always happens from time to time. But it is valid until now and even Believed to be at any time. All this can be done and possible, not the social class in society. From the perspective view of the behavior of early marriage and marriage guardians interesting to be observed. Complications Islamic law in Indonesia mandates the purpose of marriage very well to form sakinah mawahaddah warahma family. It is interesting to examine and examine from the sociological perspectives to find a new theoretical framework of social structure. Sidrap regency is a district that has potential with cultural diversity. In the district of Sidrap early marriage behavior is always present in every district. The phenomenon of early marriage behavior can be encountered in various districts tampa know social status, tribe, religion, race and class. The rise of early marriage behavior experienced by women under the age of 18 years was still to be. Phenomenon in Several sub-districts, especially Maritengngae sub-district. This research uses qualitative research method is research that intends to understand the phenomenon about what is experienced by the subject, research such as behavior, perception, motivation, action and other holistic holistically by way of description in the form of word and language, at a special Alamia that contest with utilizing a variety of natural methods, this study describes everything related to the life of the community, who conduct early marriage behavior. Based on the results of the data collection, analysis and discussion of this study found that perception of social behavior of early marriage has occurred in district Sidengngae Sidrap district.. Based on the findings, the propositions of this study are as follows: (a) Perceptions of Perpetrators and Guardian of marriage to early marriage as a positive and beneficial. (B) Islamic Law and Marriage Law open opportunities for the implementation of early marriage behavior so that the behavior of early marriage is still going on. (C) Early marriage behavior Occurs background because of the strong influence of religious views, economic factors, and traditions of society.

Keywords : Social Behavior, Early Marriage.


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