Dominance Fuzzy Clustering and Distributed Probability Graph (DFC-DPG) framework is introduced with the goal of attaining effective web data usage analysis by achieving higher clustering efficiency with less latency. At the beginning process of proposed DFC-DPG framework, the web user information collection phase is deployed to collect the information of all users from weblog database by using server log files. Following this, the Dominance Rank model is presented for dividing the relevant and irrelevant data with respect to the web user by the consideration of Spearman rank correlation between the data of the web user. In the next part Map Reduce Pearson Correlation Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Classifier (MPC-FLDC) technique is developed to provide better results on the web traffic pattern mining by enhancing classification efficiency with the reduction of prediction time.
Keywords : Web Mining, Web Tracking, FLDCMPC, PFF, WPC.