Software defines radio is a key technology of cognitive network. Spectrum sensing, spectrum management and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) are enabled by this technique. The two fundamental issue in DSA, Spectrum sensing based on an algorithm, spectrum sharing, and access. Spectrum sensing algorithm for detecting spectrum holes and power control algorithm for the cognitive radio network. Where the channels present different usage characteristics and the detection performance of individual secondary user (DSA) varies. First, spectrum sensing is investigated, where multiple SUs are coordinated to corporately sense the channels owned by the primary users (DSA) for different interests. When the PUs interest is concerned, cooperative spectrum sensing is performed better protect the PUs While satisfying the SUs requirement on the expected access. In this paper represent the simulation and performance analysis of dynamically spectrum management and access of modern cognitive radio communication system. The analysis represents that industrial and business implementation of DSA technique in CRN will be more efficient if using spectrum sensing algorithm and power transform algorithm rather than temperature interference model.
Keywords : DSA; CRN; SDR; Intelligent Wireless Network; Spectrum Sensing Algorithm;Spectrum Access.