The discovery of plastic has revolutionized our society by introducing an enormous and expanding range of products. We use plastic in numerous ways, but plastic has its disadvantages. Plastic is one of the biggest litter issues not only in India but also in the world. As far as Plastic waste management in India (1960-2015) is concerned, there are nearly about 2,50,00,000 Tons of plastic which is not been recycled and is thrown in the landfills. Hence there is a tremendous need to convert plastic into biodegradable products or in any form of energy. The price of biodegradable plastic products is higher than their synthetic plastic counterparts. Hence, the efficient way to handle plastic category of waste is to convert it into any form of energy.
Keywords : Plastic Waste Management, Biodegradable Plastic, Catalytic Degradation, Pyrolysis, Performance And Emission Characteristics.