Performance management is a integrated
process of performance planning, performance
appraisal, performance feedback, performance
counseling or consolidates goal setting, performance
appraisal into a single common system. It also enhances
the career growth and development planning. The aim of
such a system is to ensure that employee’s performance
is supporting the company’s strategic aim. It should be
linked with the organizations’ goals and objective. Also,
employees need regular feedback and timely appraisal
on their performance and specific improvement area on
which they con work upon and rectify it. once that
improvement area is identified employees can have clear
picture of the skill set which they need to acquire to
progress in their career. Rewards and recognition are
the ways to boost the morale of the employees. It satisfies
the fundamental need for praise and reinforce the
accurate behaviors, culture, social engagement.
Therefore, it is beneficial for retention and engagement.
It provides the clarity also because sometimes employees
are unsure of what exactly their role entails, what is
expected of them, and who they are to report to. Their
key area is not clearly defined to them. With the help of
performance management company can make all of this
very clear
Keywords : Performance Management, Appraisal, Compensation,360-Degree Feedback, Counseling, Development Planning.