Perpetual Motion with Solar and Wind Energy Hybrid System

Authors : Harshul kumar kantiya, Hari singh nitharwal, Himanshu sen, Jitesh suthar, Dharmendra Kumar.

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 3 - March

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This paper deals with optimal design of hybrid solar and wind energy system with perpetual motion. This design gives flexibility in siting new sources of generation of electrical energy. The demand of electrical energy is increasing day by day exponentially so it is necessary to find out new ways of generation at low cost. One more thing is to be consider that the fossil fuels are going to be end so sources should be other than fossil fuels. The substitute of fossil fuels are the renewable energy source. Solar energy and wind energy are two major sources of renewable energy. Also in present scenario waste management have its own importance. The perpetual motion in this system is an example of waste management. The whole system can be used for generating electrical energy without any harm to nature. With the help of this system we can make dependency less on the power system and also make profit by this. The energy generated by perpetual motion machines(PMM) are usually discounted by the scientific community since they are considered impossible at industrial level but for small operations PMM can become very compact machines.

Keywords : Index Terms—perpetual motion, solar energy, charge controller, wind energy.


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