Personality Traits of Competitive and Cooperative Video Game Players

Authors : Ericson Bello; Ma. Lezel Pataray, EdD

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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This study explores the video gaming styles and personality traits of Grade Six pupils in the municipality of Kabacan. The Competitive/Cooperative Strategy Scale (CCSS) was used to determine the game style of the respondents as to competitive or cooperative and the Big-Five Factor Personality Test was used to determine the personality traits of the 100 respondents. The result showed that the grade six pupils were competitive players and have neurotic personality. They are vulnerable to unpleasant emotions like anger, anxiety and depressions but tend to be intelligent, humorous and have realistic expectations. The result further reveals that competitive and cooperative video game players have the same dominating personality traits but competitive players have higher degree of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Moreover, the personality traits of video game players do not influence their gaming style.

Keywords : Gaming Style, Competetive Players, Cooperative Players, Big Five Personality Test, Video Game Players


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