Oroxylum Indicum Linn., also known as Broken bones plant belongs to the family- Bignoniaceae. The root of the Oroxylum Indicum is known to improve appetite and can be used as a tonic. It is useful in reducing fever, inflammation of respiratory system and emesis. Moreover, it also possesses aphrodisiac, antidiarrhoeal and anti-rheumatic activity. In tribal places of India the seeds and barks of this plant are used for treating respiratory disorders like pneumonia, to reduce elevated temperature and other respiratory disorders. They are also believed to provide relief from abdomen related diseases. Various studies have reported its anti-inflammatory, anti-helmenthic, anticancerous, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant activity. The present investigation includes macroscopy, microscopy, preliminary phytochemical screening, physicochemical evaluation and HPTLC fingerprinting of the stem bark of the plant.
Keywords : Oroxylum Indicum, Pharmacognosy.