Phytochemicals and antioxidants are
naturally occurring compounds found in plants,
especially fruits that have anti-inflammatory properties
and protect against a variety of diseases. Foods derived
from plants play an important role in avoiding oxidative
stress-related diseases like cancer, cardiovascular
disease, and diabetes. Antioxidants are substances that
can avoid or delay cell damage caused by free radicals,
which are unstable molecules generated by the body in
response to environmental and other stresses.
Antioxidants are believed to be abundant in many plantbased foods. Grape (Vitis vinifera) fruits are rich in
phytochemicals and antioxidants, and are one of the
world's most commonly eaten fruits. Grape skin and
seed extracts have potent free radical scavenging and
inhibit lipid oxidation in a number of food and cell
models in vitro. Hence the objectives of this present
study was to identify and quantify the phytochemicals
and to identify the antioxidant activity of the fresh and
cabinet dried grape fruit proportions such as skin, pulp
and seeds. Preliminary qualitative phytochemical
analysis was carried out by the standard methodology to
identify the secondary metabolites like alkaloids,
flavonoids, quinons, phlobatannin, phenol, saponin,
tannin, terpenoids and steroids. Quantitative
phytochemical test such as Alkaloids, Flavonoids and
Total Phenol were also done. Tests were done in
triplicates and the results were interpreted in tables. It
can be concluded that the fresh grape seed had the better
profile of phytochemical and antioxidant activity.
Keywords : Phytochemicals, Defense mechanism, Free Radical Scavenging, and Antioxidants.