Phyto-Therapheutic Plants As Miracle Around You – A Review

Authors : Sudhanshu Mishra; Aishwarya Singh Rajput; Akash Shaw

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL166

Plants and herbs are used extensively for therapeutic purposes to treat number of diseases and ailments. In India almost 44 % of the total 17000 native species of flora, are medicinal plants. The purpose of our study was to brief out some of the important yet lesser known medicinal plants. The study was conducted to review the effectiveness of some of these plants and the uses associated with them. The plants that are considered in the study have no relation amongst them. Also there were no specific criteria for which any of these plants were taken into consideration. Various research papers from several publications were extracted out from web and the searches was limited to research articles from last five years only and the articles were then further shortlisted so as to summarize them for the review.


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