Wood is a material composed mostly of
cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (20-30%), lignin (20-
30%) and a small amount of inorganic and extractive
material (Dumanauw, 1990). Accordingly, wood has
hydrophilic, hard, and biodegradable. Until now, there is
no utilization of oil palm waste in a significant amount
since it is tender and has high-water content. Generally,
oil palm trunks are left to rot in the open field. The
objective assessment of pilot project processing oil palm
into wood/ composite particleboard is to present how the
technology of oil palm trunk waste is processed as raw
material (input) into the composite pane board (output)
which can create economic value. Definition experiment
with sample treatment in BPPT Serpong Jakarta
generated the results seen from the density particleboard
with the reference of SNI - 03-2105-2006 is between 0.4
up to 0.9 g/ cm3. The measurement results of all samples
in the laboratory in this activity stated that Phenol
Formaldehyde adhesive type reached the density of 0.702
g/ cm3; with Acrylic 0.72 g/cm3 and the use of
unsaturated polyester type obtained the density of
0.892/cm3. The third test sample showed endurance in
the base situation because there is no change in the form
of delamination, blistering, rupture, and softening. These
figures show that the use of the three types of adhesive
density particleboard produced is SNI qualified. The
next three test samples showed endurance in the base
situation because there is no change in the form of
delamination, blistering, rupture, and softening.
Keywords : Palm Trunk Processing Technology into Particleboard.