Placenta Extract & Castor Oil (Next Generation Wound Healer) Innovations in Wound Healing by Mother’s & Nature’s Touch Another Era of Healing in Periodontal Surgery

Authors : Dr. Vineeta Gupta; Dr. Jithendra K.D; Dr. Umesh Chandra Prasad; Dr. Shailendra s. Chauhan; Dr. Satendra Sharma; Dr Shailesh Singh

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Herbs and animals are used either whole or in part have proved to be effective therapeutic remedies. It has been claimed, Placental extract plays a beneficial role as a topical agent in the management of chronic nonhealing wounds & castor oil is anti-inflammatory when externally applied to injuries. Where as periodontal dressing reduces the risk of wound infection, bleeding and granulation tissue formation and improves tissue healing. This study evaluated efficacy of these extracts on wound healing. Aim Assess the role of placenta extract & castor oil along with periodontal dressing in surgical wound healing process . Material & Methods A randomized controlled clinical trial including thirty (30) patients. Patients were divided into 3ngroups. Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Surgical procedure will be performed . Primary efficacy outcome assessed by Landry index and Pain Assessment Scales. The secondary efficacy outcome were changes in Plaque index ( Sillness & Loe 1964 ) followed by histological evaluation at 7th day of surgery. The patients will be followed 1 week postoperative followed by 2nd week , 3rd week, and 1 month. Result Marked improvement was reported in wound healing considering time and treatment effect in all groups, faster wound healing observed in Coe pack & Placentrix group compared to Castor oil group ,however in intergroup comparisonin 1st week there is faster healing in Coepack is reported but P value is not significant , P value is significant with castor oil in 1st week , in 2nd week healing is faster reported in Placentrix group then other two group but P value is not significant . In 3rd & 4th week no significant value is reported between three groups . Post‑operative evaluation of the NIPC PAIN SCALE score revealed that the discomfort and pain level associated with Placentrix & castor oil was significantly lower than conventional Coe pack dressing postoperatively ,on comparison of all three groups P value found to be significant. While in cases of plaque index at 1st week of depigmentation procedure plaque value found to be significant & more plaque accumulation is found in that case of Coepack dressing alone ,while there is no significant difference found in between Placentrix & castor oil grouping. Conclusion It may be concluded that Placentrix & castor oil are a safe and low cost medicament and may feasibly apply to promote wound healing & topical analgesic for intra oral surgeries, especially in whom underlying systemic and local diseases that further disturb healing processes.

Keywords : Placentrix &, Castor Oil


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