This study aims to determine the plant performance on several maize-soybean intercropping patterns inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the suboptimal land of North Lombok. This research was conducted from April to July 2019 in Balai Dana Of The Pemenang Barat Village, Sub-District Of Pemenang, North Lombok Regency. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with the treatment of 5 intercropping patterns, namely: P 1 = 2 rows of maize : 2 rows of soybean , P 2 = 3 rows of maize : 2 rows of soybean , P 3 = 3 rows of maize : 3 rows of soybean , P 4 = 4 rows of maize : 2 rows of soybean , P 5 = 4 rows of maize : 3 rows of soybean . Each treatment was repeated three times so that 15 experimental plots were obtained. Observations were made on research variables which included number of leaves, plant height at 14, 40, 66 and 92 days after seeding (DAS), weight of root biomass and plant pods at 40 days after planting and 92 days after planting, weight of plant trimming, weight of maize cobs and soybean pods per plot and weight maize cobs and soybean per plant at 92 DAS.
Keywords : Plant Performance, Intercropping, Maize, Soybean.