The first priority of human being has
always been a healthy living. Yoga has been used as a
therapeutic system since ancient times. Which has been
effective in improving human health. It is said that yoga
is really beneficial in low blood pressure, obesity, anxiety,
Insomnia, psychosomatic disorders, increased strength
and flexibility, muscle mass, improved sense of well being.
As well as it is helpful in control breathing, reducing
signs of oxidativestress& improving spiritualgrowth.
Goal:- The aim of current study was to increase the
amount of platelets in aged people through systematic
practice of yogafor six weeks.
Methods:- The experimental study, take in 23 senior
persons aged between 40 to 60 years.They were trained
with various yoga exercises and examined for six weeks.
They were assessed by various tests during this study
Result:- Becauseoftheregularpracticeofvarietyofyoga
parts not onlyplatelets but also the amount of RBC and
WBC increased.
Judgement:- I have come to the conclusion that by
practicing yoga daily,a person can lead a healthy life by
increasinghis platelet count.
Keywords : Yoga,Platelets Enhancement.