Currently, there are cases of poisoning in
Bukavu without any form of proof. The purpose of this
study is to verify the belief of the inhabitants of this city
on the existence of cases of poisoning which would be at
the root of several deaths attributed to cardiac arrest. A
questionnaire was sent to 200 people from different
socio-professional categories. The Statistical Package of
Social Sciences software was used to process the data
and the Chi-square test was used to test statistical
dependence between variables. It appears from our
various investigations that : (a) cases of poisoning were
confirmed in the city of Bukavu which we ourselves
confirmed by a qualitative test (b) hatred or jealousy
was recorded as the major cause of the poison. As for
the sources of the poison, Gecko was considered as the
basic raw material for manufacture, (c) vomiting and
diarrhoea are the two most frequent antidotal effects in
patients. After statistical analysis, we noticed a
significant relationship at the threshold (α = 1%)
between the measured variables. Moreover, at the level
of each socio-professional category, competition linked
to the attainment of a high rank would justify these
cases of poisoning, thus stirring up hatred or jealousy. It
is therefore obvious that poisoning exists in Bukavu and
that recourse to traditional medicine is a priority in
cases of suspicion before going to hospital.
Keywords : Antidotes, Bukavu, Poison, Symptoms, Treatment.