POKDARWIS Participation in The Creation of the Tourism Object of Coban Talun in Tulungrejo Village

Authors : Ayunda Gading Mahayu; Ismu Rini Dwi Ari; Gunawan Prayitno

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3p2xuh1

Community-based tourism is an effort to engage and directly track the management and growth of tourism in the region through local communities with three main elements, i.e., community engagement, economic equity, and local communities as decisionmakers. POKDARWIS Tulungrejo is a growing community with an active role in the maintenance and protection of tourist artifacts that have as main objective the growth of regional tourism and potential regional development. Based on interviews with the POKDARWIS head of the village of Coban Talun and the management of the tourist attraction of Coban Talun, the number of tourists to the Coban Talun attraction has decreased significantly since 2020 to almost 100% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the role of POKDARWIS in the growth of tourism is crucial for tourism to grow immediately.

Keywords : POKDARWIS, Community Based Tourism, Tourism.


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