The development of tourism in an area, in
addition to empowering local communities can also help
alleviate poverty in an area, because regional tourism
will also be able to empower the community's economy
and increase regional income. This study aims to
analyze the Implementation of Tourism Development
Policy Through Community Empowerment Programs
in an Effort to Increase Tourist Visits and Local
This type of research is qualitative, primary data is
collected using interviews and and supports secondary
data through documentation. The informants of this
study are officials and competent parties who are
deemed appropriate to the research objectives. Analysis
of research data using interactive models (Miles,
Huberman and Saldana, 2014: 33), namely; data
collection, data display, data reduction and conclusions;
drawing / verifying.
Keywords : Policy Implementation, Tourism Development, Community Empowerment, Tourist Visits, Local Revenue.