Authors : Sunarno, Drs. MM, Budi Prasetyo. ST , MM, Solihin, S.Ap. M.Si, Saptono, S.Sos.M.Si
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March
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Pioneer air transport is a pioneering
passenger air transport and pioneering cargo air
transport. Before being designated as a pioneering
routeat least the path fulfilled the pioneering function
criteria according to the Decree of the Director General
of Civil Aviation of 2010 Number SKEP / 21 / I / 2010,
which regulates several things : “the type of pioneering
air transport activities, pioneering route criteria, the
implementation of transportation pioneering air, the
implementation of pioneering air transportation,
evaluation of pioneering routes, and the obligations of
pioneering transport providers
Keywords : Transport, Pioneer Air, Growth, Regional Economy