The white spotted rabbitfish (Siganus
canaliculatus Park, 1797) is a commercially important
commodity occurring in the northern coast and
southern coast of Panguil Bay. This fish was reported to
be caught by fishing gears like filter net, fish corral,
bottom set gill net, stationary lift net, motorized scissors
net, and spear. To understand the population dynamics
and associated status of white spotted rabbitfish in
Panguil Bay, the growth, mortality, exploitation and
recruitment pattern were determined from June 2002 to
May 2003. A total of 1,513 samples of white spotted
rabbitfish were collected from the four sampling
stations established in Panguil Bay. Growth was
estimated using the FiSAT II and the estimated
parameters were Lā = 33.20 cm and K = 0.54 yr-1.
Total, natural and fishing instantaneous rate of
mortality values were Z = 3.80 yr-1
, M = 1.18 yr-1
, F =
2.62 yr-1
and the exploitation rate value was E = 0.69 yr1
. Projected recruitment pattern of S. canaliculatus
suggests that this species spawns all year round. Based
on the results, S. canaliculatus caught by fish corral in
Panguil Bay from June 2002 to May 2003 was
overexploited and that management strategies of this
resource must be promulgated and implemented to
address the depleting fishery.
Keywords : Growth, mortality, exploitation rates, recruitment, population dynamics, White Spotted Rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797, Panguil Bay