Post Harvest Losses in Horticulture

Authors : K. Madhuri, P. Vamshi Krishna Reddy.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 8 - August

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The horticultural products are highly perishable in nature. Fruits and vegetables undergo rapid transformation between the harvest and consumption which results spoilage and reduces market value. The impact of Climate and weather conditions, harvesting and handling techniques, packaging material, storage and transportation facility, market situation, dust from cement factory, disease and pest animal attack will leads to postharvest loss. Mostly post-harvest losses occurs during harvesting, transporting and storage. Improper handling of horticultural produce leads to physical and pathological damage. There will also be impact of cultivation practices on post-harvest losses, such as dosage of fertilizers application, time of sowing, planting material used and time and method of irrigation. The highest post-harvest loss was recorded for tomato (45.32%), for mango (43.53%), whereas the least post-harvest loss was recorded for coffee (15.75%). Post-harvest loss ranging from 20% to 50% was recorded in between marketing and consumption. To minimize the post-harvest losses proper harvesting, storage and transport facilities should be maintained well and should follow proper cultivation practices.

Keywords : physiological damage, pathological damage.


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