Potential of Russian-Chinese Investment Cooperation

Authors : Popov Semen

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2RqHsdS

This article provides a series of statistics and research findings showing the growth of Chinese foreign direct investment. China's policy governing the flow of foreign direct investment by Chinese companies is discussed. Private business is playing an increasingly important role in expanding foreign direct investment from China. It provides data on the sectoral structure of Chinese foreign direct investment, according to which Chinese foreign direct investment is becoming more differentiated and is not limited to the commodity industries. China is increasingly attracted to advanced economies and a mature post-industrial sector. Russia is ranked 6th among the recipients of Chinese foreign direct investment. The article deals with the main problems holding back Chinese foreign direct investment, according to the management of Chinese companies. This question is very relevant now. Despite the fact that Russia and China are not major partners in the field of investment now, a mutually beneficial partnership could exist between both countries in the future.

Keywords : China; Russia; Investment Cooperation.


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